
New KH2 story: Chapter 2

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                                                  Chapter 2: Intruders

“WAH!” Roxas tried blocking with his struggle weapon. “What the--?”

He swerved around it and tried to attack.

“BACK OFF!” he yelled, swinging at it.

It’s like hitting air! he thought.

“What…” Roxas stared at the being. “What is this thing?”

“You tell us!” Chi called, backing up.

“We’re surrounded!” Kitsu shouted.

Their backs touched each other and they all looked around.

“Hayner…Pence…” Roxas bowed his head for a moment then brought it back up. “Why isn’t anyone coming?”

At least ten beings surrounded them, in which all of them were hissing.

Could they be ghosts?! Roxas thought.

His heartbeat began to quicken as he watched the beings slither around him.

I can’t land a single solid blow! Roxas watched the beings move backward and forward, in attempt to attack.

“Guh!” Roxas fell back.

“What are Hayner and the other’s doing?!” Chi asked.

“You got me.” Kitsu watched the beings.

We gotta run! Roxas looked at the forest.

“Follow me!” he called, running towards the forest.

Chi and Kitsu exchanged glances, but nodded anyways.

The beings began to chase after them, and they all grabbed their feet, and dragged them back.

“Let go!” Roxas yelled. “Wha--?”

The beings flipped over and made a cage out of themselves.

“HEY!” Chi banged on their arms and heads.

“Let us out of here you--” Roxas was cut off by a surprise, there was a black hole in the middle of the battle field, and they were headed straight for it.

“AH! THEY’RE GONNA SEND US DOWN THERE?!” Kitsu was frightened but she stood strong, so she started pounding her fists on the beings’ heads.

“WHAT’S THAT?!” Roxas looked at the black hole.

We’re  headed straight for it! he thought in horror as the beings began bounding to the hole.

“STOP!” Roxas shouted, but it was no use, the beings just kept on moving towards the hole, nothing was going to stop them. “No…!”

Just then, all three of their hands glowed, and a key appeared in each of them.

The beings dropped them, and the three heroes dropped with a “THUD!”.

“Hiss!” the beings cried.

“Wha--?” Roxas stared at the key. “What’s this?!”

Kitsu was also staring at hers, and so was Chi.

“Is this a key…?” Kitsu asked.

“Or is it a sword?” Chi looked over at Kitsu, and they both shrugged.

“GUYS!” Roxas called.

Chi and Kitsu looked over and sure enough, the beings were charging for them.

They readied their newly-founded weapons, and waited for the right time.

Roxas was pulled forward after minute’s silence.

“WAH!” he tried to get a hold of the key, but the key seemed to have a mind of its own, and it began attacking on the being.

A SOLID HIT!! Roxas thought.

“…” he stared at the beings, and then they all nodded to one another and began attacking the beings once more.

“HA!” Chi yelled, slamming her key onto the being’s head. It disappeared shortly after that.

After a few more hits, they were finished. Roxas panted, Chi was tending to Kitsu, and Kitsu was bleeding on her side.

Soon his weapon disappeared. So, Roxas flipped his hand over, and stared at his palm.

“What…was that?” he asked, barely noticing he was speaking out loud.

Olette stuck the picture they recovered back into her picture frame.

“Da da-da DAA!” she sang happily. “It’s back!”

“Yeah!” Hayner grinned.

“I’m so glad we got it back.” Olette continued. “It’s a really nice photo of our treasured times together.”

All eyes were on Olette.

“Oh, I just said ‘photo’!” she was surprised.

“We’ve got the word back, too!” Pence realized.

“But that sure was wacky, wasn’t it?” Hayner asked.

“Yeah, I hear photos are all that got stolen from everyone in town, too.” Olette explained.

“What a weird thief.” Chi commented, trying to bandage up Kitsu’s side.

“I got it!” Pence called. “The thief was stalking Roxas, Chi, and Kitsu!!”

“HUH?!” Roxas looked over.

“What?!” Chi almost spilt the medicine she was using, but she caught it, thank goodness.

“So, like…anybody else notice that all the stolen pictures are of Roxas, Kitsu, and Chi?”  Pence held up three photos, one of them was of Roxas, the other one of Chi, and the last one in his right hand of Kitsu.

“You’re right!” Hayner stared at the pictures.

“…” Roxas didn’t know what to say.

“Have you noticed anybody going through your trash?” Hayner asked.

“You’d better make sure to keep your curtains closed and door locked.” Olette advised.

“Yeah, and you should check your phone and TV for bugs!” Pence finally laughed.

“Gimme a break!” Chi and Roxas shouted.

“All kidding aside… can you tell us about the picture thief, Roxas?” Hayner asked.

“You all saw it, didn’t you?” Roxas started. “When it took the camera and ran.”

“It wasn’t human!!” Chi finished.

“And why didn’t you guys come to help us?!” Roxas yelled. “We were about to get carried down some weird hole!”

“Roxas…” Hayner shook his head. “I’m not scared at all.”

“Huh?!” Roxas began.

“We weren’t trying to scare anyone!” Kitsu sat up.

“Ki.” Chi reached out.

“I’m fine!” Kitsu waved her hand. “Really.”

“…When you’re telling a ghost story, what you need to do is--” Pence stopped.
You don’t care about the thief anymore…? Roxas asked.

The big Twilight Clock Tower rang loudly, and all of them just froze in place.

“Ah.” Olette stared at the ceiling, which basically is the sky and a few pieces of wood. “It’s so late already…I can’t believe how time flies!”

“Man, summer vacation’s gonna be over in a week.” Hayner sighed.

“Tomorrow we’re gonna sit down and do it--” Olette was holding up a folder. “Do our homework!”

“Yeah, yeah.” Hayner ignored her.

“What?! You could at least be a little panicked!” Olette complained. “Your homework’s completely BLANK, Hayner!”

“Shut up!” Hayner yelled.

“It’s the beauty of emptiness!!” Pence laughed.

“Ah, ha, ha.” Olette laughed sarcastically. “What’re you talking about?!”

“Then, we meet again tomorrow!” Pence called outside.

“Later!” Chi said, carrying Kitsu’s arm over her left shoulder as they headed home.

“See ya!” Roxas waved.

He began to walk home, but, something stopped him.

“It’s so bright…!” he looked over the horizon. “Feel…a bit…”

He collapsed on the ground, feeling dizzy, and feeling like he could hurl any moment.

It’s almost time…

Almost…time…? For what…? Roxas asked.

((Somewhere, in the Haunted Mansion…))

A man in a black hooded cloak walked calmly over to a man wrapped in red.

“—And it seems Organization XIII is growing desperate, as well.” the man in black told DiZ, the one wrapped in red.

“They’ll not take him from us easily.” DiZ stared at many computer screens. “That is why I scattered photographs of Roxas, Kitsu, and Chi throughout the town.”

The man in black picked up a picture. “The Nobodies can’t tell the difference between these and the real thing?”

The man in black stared at the picture.

“To the underlings, they all appear to be the three.” DiZ rubbed his chin. “Organization XIII…Don’t think you can just do as you please in my realm.”

DiZ’s eyes grew wide as the computer picked up something.

“It’s that meddling redhead.” DiZ sighed. “Keep a close eye on them.”

“…I will.” the man in black watched the screen.

DiZ chuckled. “That outfit becomes you.”

The man in black didn’t laugh. “Cut it out. I’m not wearing it because I like it.”

“Heh, heh, heh…Indeed…” DiZ now moved his attention to the status report of five bodies, all in which were sleeping inside big, egg-like objects. “At any rate…doubtless they’ll awaken very soon.”

((Somewhere on top of the Mansion…))

Nobodies swept around a man with red hair, hissing every so often to communicate. After a short, moment’s silence they dropped a picture into the man’s hand.

“Jeez, guys…” the man said. “What are you bringing me pictures for?”

He burnt the picture in his hand.

“Now, then…” the man paused. “Where’s the real thing?”



…Sora? Oh… Roxas thought, turning over.

Images began to swirl around in his head, not making much sense.

“The world has been connected.” A man in brown said, talking to a boy with spiky hair.

“Who are you?” the boy asked.

“Tied to the darkness…” the man said.

The image changed to a boy with white, spiky hair.

“The door has opened.” he said.

“Riku!” the boy before reached his hand out.

Another dream about him…

“You understand nothing.” a black giant growled.

((We have come for you, my lieges.))

“They will come at you out of nowhere…as long as you three continue to wield the Keyblades.” a voice said.

“The Keyblade…?” the boy asked.

Roxas jerked up, sweating to the bone.

“Huh?” he looked around. “How did I get home?”

He looked down at his hand.

“Key…blade…” he said slowly.

((By the Usual Spot…))

“…Come forth!” Roxas called. “Come forth!”

He paused, a stick in his hand.

“Well that was pointless.” Roxas walked around a corner. “Keyblade, huh? What was THAT about?”
"It's the beauty of emptiness!" hahaha, Hayner. X3

"Cut it out, I'm not wearing it because I like it." really, Riku. :paranoid: *blinks* OOPS! Sorry 'bout that I thought you'd guys already know who that guy in black is!! :oops:

If you've beaten BOTH sides of Chain of Memories (Sora's Story and Reverse Rebirth) then you'd know. That's how Riku got his cloak. >_>

I did this chapter WAAAAAY back in January (that's how long I've been working on this!! :D) so it may be a bit old, but I still like how I wrote it out. :aww: Now me just waits for the 3rd volume of KH2...>.> I am doing this based off the manga, not the game because of my horrible memory.


Kitsu, Chi (c) me, my friend
Hayner, Pence, Olette, Roxas, DiZ, Nobodies, man in black, Axel (c) Square Enix
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